/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Julien Nadeau Carriere * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Checkbox button with included text label. * It can trigger events or control a boolean variable. */ #include #ifdef AG_WIDGETS #include #include #include #include #include #include AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewFn(void *parent, Uint flags, const char *label, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...) { AG_Checkbox *cb; AG_Event *ev; cb = AG_CheckboxNewS(parent, flags, label); ev = AG_SetEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", fn, NULL); if (fmt) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); AG_EventGetArgs(ev, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } return (cb); } AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewInt(void *parent, Uint flags, const char *label, int *pVal) { AG_Checkbox *cb; cb = AG_CheckboxNewS(parent, flags, label); AG_BindInt(cb, "state", pVal); return (cb); } /* Create a set of checkboxes for the given set of flags. */ void AG_CheckboxSetFromFlags(void *parent, Uint flags, Uint *pFlags, const AG_FlagDescr *fdSet) { int i; for (i = 0; fdSet[i].bitmask != 0; i++) { const AG_FlagDescr *fd = &fdSet[i]; AG_Checkbox *cb; cb = AG_CheckboxNewFlag(parent, flags, fd->descr, pFlags, fd->bitmask); if (!fd->writeable) AG_WidgetDisable(cb); } } /* * Create a set of checkboxes for the given set of flags. * Set a common "checkbox-changed" event handler. */ void AG_CheckboxSetFromFlagsFn(void *parent, Uint flags, Uint *pFlags, const AG_FlagDescr *fdSet, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...) { int i; for (i = 0; fdSet[i].bitmask != 0; i++) { const AG_FlagDescr *fd = &fdSet[i]; AG_Checkbox *cb; AG_Event *ev; cb = AG_CheckboxNewFlag(parent, flags, fd->descr, pFlags, fd->bitmask); if (!fd->writeable) AG_WidgetDisable(cb); ev = AG_SetEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", fn, NULL); if (fmt) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); AG_EventGetArgs(ev, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } } } AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewFlag(void *parent, Uint flags, const char *label, Uint *pFlags, Uint bitmask) { AG_Checkbox *cb; cb = AG_CheckboxNewS(parent, flags, label); AG_BindFlag(cb, "state", pFlags, bitmask); return (cb); } AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNew(void *parent, Uint flags, const char *fmt, ...) { char *s; va_list ap; AG_Checkbox *cb; if (fmt != NULL) { va_start(ap, fmt); Vasprintf(&s, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); cb = AG_CheckboxNewS(parent, flags, s); free(s); } else { cb = AG_CheckboxNewS(parent, flags, NULL); } return (cb); } AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewS(void *parent, Uint flags, const char *label) { AG_Checkbox *cb; cb = Malloc(sizeof(AG_Checkbox)); AG_ObjectInit(cb, &agCheckboxClass); cb->flags |= flags; if (label) cb->label = Strdup(label); if (flags & AG_CHECKBOX_SET) cb->state = 1; if ((flags & AG_CHECKBOX_EXCL) == 0) AG_RedrawOnChange(cb, 300, "state"); AG_ObjectAttach(parent, cb); return (cb); } static void MouseButtonDown(void *obj, AG_MouseButton button, int x, int y) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; if (AG_WidgetDisabled(cb)) return; if (button == AG_MOUSE_LEFT) { if (!AG_WidgetIsFocused(cb)) { AG_WidgetFocus(cb); } AG_CheckboxToggle(cb); } } static void KeyDown(void *obj, AG_KeySym ks, AG_KeyMod kmod, AG_Char ch) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; if (AG_WidgetDisabled(cb)) return; switch (ks) { case AG_KEY_RETURN: case AG_KEY_KP_ENTER: case AG_KEY_SPACE: AG_CheckboxToggle(cb); break; default: break; } } static void StyleChanged(AG_Event *_Nonnull event) { AG_Checkbox *cb = AG_CHECKBOX_SELF(); if (cb->suCheckmark != -1) { AG_WidgetUnmapSurface(cb, cb->suCheckmark); cb->suCheckmark = -1; } if (cb->suLabel != -1) { AG_WidgetUnmapSurface(cb, cb->suLabel); cb->suLabel = -1; } } static void Init(void *_Nonnull obj) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; WIDGET(cb)->flags |= AG_WIDGET_FOCUSABLE | AG_WIDGET_USE_TEXT | AG_WIDGET_USE_MOUSEOVER; cb->flags = 0; cb->state = 0; cb->suCheckmark = -1; cb->suLabel = -1; cb->label = NULL; AG_BindInt(cb, "state", &cb->state); AG_AddEvent(cb, "font-changed", StyleChanged, NULL); AG_AddEvent(cb, "palette-changed", StyleChanged, NULL); } static void Destroy(void *_Nonnull obj) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; Free(cb->label); } static void Draw(void *_Nonnull obj) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; AG_Variable *V; void *p; AG_Rect r; int state; V = AG_GetVariable(cb, "state", &p); switch (V->type) { case AG_VARIABLE_INT: /* Natural integer */ case AG_VARIABLE_UINT: state = (V->data.i) ? 1 : 0; AG_UnlockVariable(V); break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_INT: case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT: state = (*(int *)p) ? 1 : 0; AG_UnlockVariable(V); break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG: state = (*(Uint *)p & V->info.bitmask.u) ? 1 : 0; AG_UnlockVariable(V); break; default: /* General case */ AG_UnlockVariable(V); state = AG_CheckboxGetState(cb); break; } if (cb->flags & AG_CHECKBOX_INVERT) state = !state; if (WIDGET(cb)->flags & AG_WIDGET_MOUSEOVER) { AG_Rect rOver = WIDGET(cb)->r; --rOver.x; ++rOver.w; ++rOver.y; AG_DrawRect(cb, &rOver, &WCOLOR_HOVER(cb,BG_COLOR)); } if (AG_WidgetIsFocused(cb)) { AG_Rect rOutline = WIDGET(cb)->r; rOutline.x -= 1; rOutline.w += 1; AG_DrawRectOutline(cb, &rOutline, &WCOLOR(cb,LINE_COLOR)); } r.x = 1 + WIDGET(cb)->paddingLeft; r.y = cb->boxOffs; r.w = cb->boxWd; r.h = r.w; if (state) { AG_Color cFgDark = WCOLOR(cb,FG_COLOR); AG_ColorDarken(&cFgDark, 2); AG_DrawBoxSunk(cb, &r, &cFgDark); } else { AG_DrawBoxRaised(cb, &r, &WCOLOR(cb, FG_COLOR)); } AG_PushBlendingMode(cb, AG_ALPHA_SRC, AG_ALPHA_ONE_MINUS_SRC); if (cb->label && cb->label[0] != '\0') { const int isUndersize = (WIDTH(cb) < cb->wReq) || (HEIGHT(cb) < cb->hReq); if (cb->suLabel == -1) cb->suLabel = AG_WidgetMapSurface(cb, AG_TextRender(cb->label)); if (isUndersize) AG_PushClipRect(cb, &WIDGET(cb)->r); AG_WidgetBlitSurface(cb, cb->suLabel, WIDGET(cb)->paddingLeft + cb->boxWd + WIDGET(cb)->spacingHoriz, WIDGET(cb)->paddingTop); if (isUndersize) AG_PopClipRect(cb); } if (state) { AG_Surface *S; if (cb->suCheckmark == -1) { cb->suCheckmark = AG_WidgetMapSurface(cb, AG_TextRender(AGSI_ALGUE AGSI_CHECK_MARK)); } S = WSURFACE(cb, cb->suCheckmark); AG_WidgetBlitFrom(cb, cb->suCheckmark, NULL, r.x + (r.w >> 1) - (S->w >> 1), r.y + (r.h >> 1) - (S->h >> 1)); } AG_PopBlendingMode(cb); } /* Return the checkbox state. */ int AG_CheckboxGetState(AG_Checkbox *cb) { AG_Variable *bState; void *p; int rv; AG_ObjectLock(cb); bState = AG_GetVariable(cb, "state", &p); switch (bState->type) { case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG8: rv = *(Uint8 *)p & bState->info.bitmask.u8; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG16: rv = *(Uint16 *)p & bState->info.bitmask.u16; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG32: rv = *(Uint32 *)p & bState->info.bitmask.u32; break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT8: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT8: rv = bState->data.u8; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT8: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT8: rv = *(Uint8 *)p; break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT16: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT16: rv = bState->data.u16; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT16: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT16: rv = *(Uint16 *)p; break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT32: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT32: rv = bState->data.u32; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT32: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT32: rv = *(Uint32 *)p; break; case AG_VARIABLE_INT: case AG_VARIABLE_UINT: rv = bState->data.i; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_INT: case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT: rv = *(int *)p; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG: rv = *(Uint *)p & bState->info.bitmask.u; break; default: rv = 0; } AG_UnlockVariable(bState); AG_ObjectUnlock(cb); return (rv) ? 1 : 0; } static void SizeRequest(void *_Nonnull obj, AG_SizeReq *_Nonnull r) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; if (cb->label) { AG_TextSize(cb->label, &r->w, &r->h); r->w += WIDGET(cb)->paddingLeft + WIDGET(cb)->paddingRight + WFONT(cb)->lineskip + WIDGET(cb)->spacingHoriz; r->h += WIDGET(cb)->paddingTop + WIDGET(cb)->paddingBottom; } else { r->h = r->w = WIDGET(cb)->paddingLeft + WIDGET(cb)->paddingRight + WFONT(cb)->lineskip; } cb->wReq = r->w; cb->hReq = r->h; } static int SizeAllocate(void *_Nonnull obj, const AG_SizeAlloc *_Nonnull a) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; if (a->w < 2 || a->h < 2) { return (-1); } cb->boxWd = MIN(a->h, WFONT(cb)->lineskip) - 2; cb->boxOffs = (a->h >> 1) - (cb->boxWd >> 1); /* Centered */ return (0); } /* Set the checkbox state. */ void AG_CheckboxSetState(AG_Checkbox *cb, int newState) { AG_Variable *V; void *p; AG_ObjectLock(cb); if (cb->flags & AG_CHECKBOX_INVERT) { newState = !newState; } V = AG_GetVariable(cb, "state", &p); switch (V->type) { case AG_VARIABLE_INT: case AG_VARIABLE_UINT: V->data.i = newState; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_INT: case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT: *(int *)p = newState; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG: AG_SETFLAGS(*(Uint *)p, V->info.bitmask.u, newState); break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG8: AG_SETFLAGS(*(Uint8 *)p, V->info.bitmask.u8, newState); break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG16: AG_SETFLAGS(*(Uint16 *)p, V->info.bitmask.u16, newState); break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG32: AG_SETFLAGS(*(Uint32 *)p, V->info.bitmask.u32, newState); break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT8: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT8: V->data.u8 = (Uint8)newState; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT8: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT8: *(Uint8 *)p = newState; break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT16: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT16: V->data.u16 = (Uint16)newState; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT16: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT16: *(Uint16 *)p = newState; break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT32: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT32: V->data.u32 = (Uint32)newState; break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT32: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT32: *(Uint32 *)p = newState; break; default: break; } AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", newState); AG_UnlockVariable(V); AG_ObjectUnlock(cb); AG_Redraw(cb); } /* Toggle the checkbox state. */ void AG_CheckboxToggle(AG_Checkbox *cb) { AG_Variable *V; void *p; AG_ObjectLock(cb); V = AG_GetVariable(cb, "state", &p); switch (V->type) { case AG_VARIABLE_INT: case AG_VARIABLE_UINT: { int old_state = V->data.i; V->data.i = !old_state; AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", V->data.i); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_INT: case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT: { int *state = (int *)p; *state = !(*state); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", *state); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG: { Uint *state = (Uint *)p; AG_INVFLAGS(*state, V->info.bitmask.u); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (Uint)*state); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG8: { Uint8 *state = (Uint8 *)p; AG_INVFLAGS(*state, V->info.bitmask.u8); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (Uint8)*state); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG16: { Uint16 *state = (Uint16 *)p; AG_INVFLAGS(*state, V->info.bitmask.u16); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (Uint16)*state); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_FLAG32: { Uint32 *state = (Uint32 *)p; AG_INVFLAGS(*state, V->info.bitmask.u32); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (Uint32)*state); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT8: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT8: { Uint8 old_state = V->data.u8; V->data.u8 = !old_state; AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", V->data.u8); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT8: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT8: { Uint8 *state = (Uint8 *)p; *state = !(*state); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (int)*state); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT16: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT16: { Uint16 old_state = V->data.u16; V->data.u16 = !old_state; AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", V->data.u16); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT16: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT16: { Uint16 *state = (Uint16 *)p; *state = !(*state); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (int)*state); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_UINT32: case AG_VARIABLE_SINT32: { Uint32 old_state = V->data.u32; V->data.u32 = !old_state; AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (int)V->data.u32); } break; case AG_VARIABLE_P_UINT32: case AG_VARIABLE_P_SINT32: { Uint32 *state = (Uint32 *)p; *state = !(*state); AG_PostEvent(cb, "checkbox-changed", "%i", (int)*state); } break; default: break; } AG_UnlockVariable(V); AG_ObjectUnlock(cb); AG_Redraw(cb); } static void Ctrl(void *obj, void *inputDevice, const AG_DriverEvent *dev) { AG_Checkbox *cb = obj; if (AG_WidgetDisabled(cb)) return; if (dev->type == AG_DRIVER_CTRL_BUTTON_DOWN && dev->ctrlButton.which == AG_CTRL_BUTTON_A) AG_CheckboxToggle(cb); } /* Set the label text (format string). */ void AG_CheckboxText(AG_Checkbox *cb, const char *fmt, ...) { char *s; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); Vasprintf(&s, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); AG_CheckboxTextS(cb, s); free(s); } /* Set the label text (C string). */ void AG_CheckboxTextS(AG_Checkbox *cb, const char *label) { char *labelDup = TryStrdup(label); AG_OBJECT_ISA(cb, "AG_Widget:AG_Checkbox:*"); AG_ObjectLock(cb); if (cb->suLabel != -1) { AG_WidgetUnmapSurface(cb, cb->suLabel); cb->suLabel = -1; } Free(cb->label); cb->label = labelDup; AG_Redraw(cb); AG_ObjectUnlock(cb); } AG_WidgetClass agCheckboxClass = { { "Agar(Widget:Checkbox)", sizeof(AG_Checkbox), { 1,0, AGC_CHECKBOX, 0xE015 }, Init, NULL, /* reset */ Destroy, NULL, /* load */ NULL, /* save */ NULL /* edit */ }, Draw, SizeRequest, SizeAllocate, MouseButtonDown, NULL, /* mouse_button_up */ NULL, /* mouse_motion */ KeyDown, NULL, /* key_up */ NULL, /* touch */ Ctrl, NULL /* joy */ }; #endif /* AG_WIDGETS */