" My Vim syntax file " Language: C " Maintainer: Julien Nadeau Carriere source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/c.vim set nocindent set nocompatible if !exists("c_no_nullability") || exists("c_nullability_typedefs") syn keyword cType _Nonnull _Nullable _Null_unspecified endif if !exists("c_no_restrict") || exists("c_restrict_typedefs") syn keyword cType _Restrict endif if !exists("c_no_zlib") || exists("c_zlib_typedefs") syn keyword cType z_stream Z_NULL endif " Berkeley DB if !exists("c_no_db") || exists("c_db_typedefs") syn keyword cType DB DBT DBC db_recno_t DB_ENV DBTYPE DB_TXN endif " MySQL if !exists("c_no_mysql") || exists("c_mysql_typedefs") syn keyword cType MYSQL endif " For cadtools (http://hypertriton.com/cadtools/) if !exists("c_no_cadtools") || exists("c_cadtools_typedefs") syn keyword cType CAD_Part CAD_Stock CAD_Feature CAM_Chuck syn keyword cType CAD_ExtrudedBoss CAM_Machine CAM_Program syn keyword cType CAM_Lathe CAM_Mill CAM_Drill CAM_Laser endif " For the FreeType font engine if !exists("c_no_freetype") || exists("c_freetype_typedefs") syn keyword cType FT_Face FT_GlyphSlot FT_Glyph_Metrics FT_Outline syn keyword cType FT_Error FT_Bitmap FT_Matrix FT_Library FT_Fixed syn keyword cType FT_Vector endif " For the Open Dynamics Engine (http://ode.org/) if !exists("c_no_ode") || exists("c_ode_typedefs") syn keyword cType dWorldID dSpaceID dBodyID dGeomID dJointID dJointGroupID syn keyword cType dReal dVector3 dVector4 dMatrix3 dMatrix4 dQuaternion syn keyword cType dMass endif " For the FreeSG Math library (http://freesg.org/) if !exists("c_no_freesg_m") || exists("c_freesg_m_typedefs") syn keyword cType M_Real M_Complex M_Quaternion M_Range M_Color syn keyword cType M_Vector M_Vector2 M_Vector3 M_Vector4 M_VectorN syn keyword cType M_Matrix M_Matrix44 M_MatrixMN M_VectorOps syn keyword cType M_Rectangular M_Polar M_Parabolic M_Time syn keyword cType M_Spherical M_Cylindrical M_TimeRange syn keyword cType M_VectorOps2 M_VectorOps3 M_VectorOps4 syn keyword cType M_MatrixOps44 M_MatrixOpsMN M_MatrixFPU syn keyword cType M_GeomType M_Geom2 M_Geom3 M_Geom syn keyword cType M_GeomSet M_GeomSet2 M_GeomSet3 syn keyword cType M_PointSet M_PointSet2 M_PointSet3 syn keyword cType M_PointSet2i M_PointSet3i syn keyword cType M_Line M_Line2 M_Line3 M_Plane M_Hyperplane syn keyword cType M_Circle M_Circle2 M_Circle3 M_Polygon syn keyword cType M_Triangle M_Triangle2 M_Triangle3 syn keyword cType M_Rectangle M_Rectangle2 M_Rectangle3 syn keyword cType M_Sphere M_Matview M_Plot M_Plotter syn keyword cType M_VectorFPU M_MatrixSP M_MatrixOps M_PlotLabel syn keyword cType M_VectorZ M_Polyhedron M_Halfedge M_Facet endif " For the FreeSG 3D engine library (http://freesg.org/) if !exists("c_no_freesg") || exists("c_freesg_typedefs") syn keyword cType SG SG_Version syn keyword cType SG_VectorOps4 SG_Version SG_View syn keyword cType SG_Node SG_NodeClass SG_Action SG_Rotation syn keyword cType SG_Vertex SG_GLVertex2 SG_GLVertex3 syn keyword cType SG_Dummy SG_Object SG_ActionFn syn keyword cType SG_Point SG_Sphere SG_Camera SG_Light syn keyword cType SG_Solid SG_Plane SG_Contour SG_Surface syn keyword cType SG_Facet SG_Edge SG_CameraPolyMode syn keyword cType SG_BSPTree SG_BSPNode SG_Octree SG_Octnode syn keyword cType SG_ExtrudeMode SG_EdgeEnt SG_Voxel SG_FacetEnt syn keyword cType PLY_Property PLY_Element PLY_Prop syn keyword cType PLY_OtherData PLY_OtherElem PLY_OtherElems syn keyword cType PLY_PropRules PLY_RuleList PLY_File PLY_Info syn keyword cType SG_Matview SG_Program SG_ViewCamAction syn keyword cType SG_ViewTexture SG_CameraInsn syn keyword cType SG_ProgramClass SG_CgProgram SG_Image syn keyword cType SG_Script SG_ScriptCond SG_ScriptArg syn keyword cType SG_ScriptInsn SG_ViewList syn keyword cType SG_Texture SG_TextureSurface syn keyword cType SG_TextureProgram SG_ScriptFrame syn keyword cType SG_ScriptMoveArgs SG_ScriptRotateArgs syn keyword cType SG_ScriptEditCtx SG_Line SG_Geom SG_Circle syn keyword cType SG_Rectangle SG_Triangle SG_Polygon SG_Widget syn keyword cType SG_Polyball SG_Polybox SG_ScriptRenderCtx syn keyword cType SG_Palette SG_Pigment SG_Mixture SG_PaletteView syn keyword cType SK SK_Node SK_NodeOps SK_View SK_Tool SK_ToolOps syn keyword cType SK_ToolMouseBinding SK_ToolKeyBinding syn keyword cType SK_Dummy SK_Point SK_Line SK_Circle SK_Arc syn keyword cType SK_Text SK_Constraint SK_Cluster SK_Polygon syn keyword cType SK_SelectTool SK_Insn SK_Status SK_NodePair syn keyword cType SK_ConstraintPairFn SK_ConstraintRingFn syn keyword cType SK_Annot SK_Dimension SK_Group SK_IntersectFn syn keyword cType SK_GeometryFn SK_DimensionView SK_Pixmap syn keyword cType PE PE_Class PE_Ode PE_OdeNodeData endif " For the nVidia Cg runtime library. if !exists("c_no_cg") || exists("c_cg_typedefs") syn keyword cType CGcontext CGprogram CGparameter CGprofile CGGLenum endif " For the Edacious electronics design toolkit (http://edacious.org/) if !exists("c_no_edacious") || exists("c_edacious_typedefs") syn keyword cType ES_Branch ES_Node ES_Loop ES_Circuit ES_Port syn keyword cType ES_Pair ES_Conductor ES_SemiResistor ES_Ground syn keyword cType ES_Component ES_ComponentClass ES_Resistor ES_Spec syn keyword cType ES_Digital ES_DigitalClass ES_DigitalFamily syn keyword cType ES_Spdt ES_Spst ES_Inverter ES_LogicState ES_And ES_Or syn keyword cType ES_Sim ES_SimOps ES_Scope ES_SpecCondition syn keyword cType ES_Vsource ES_VSquare ES_VSine ES_DigitalSpec ES_Led syn keyword cType ES_LogicProbe ES_Wire ES_Sym ES_Schem ES_SchemBlock syn keyword cType ES_SimDC ES_SimAC ES_SimSP ES_SimHB ES_SimSweep syn keyword cType ES_SchemLineTool ES_SchemPointTool ES_SchemCircleTool syn keyword cType ES_SchemArcTool ES_SchemTextTool ES_SchemPolygonTool syn keyword cType ES_SchemSelectTool ES_SchemPortTool ES_SchemPort syn keyword cType ES_SchemWire ES_SchemWireTool ES_WireTool syn keyword cType ES_Capacitor ES_Diode ES_Inductor ES_NMOS ES_NPN syn keyword cType ES_PMOS ES_PNP ES_Isource ES_IntegrationMethod syn keyword cType ES_VArb ES_VNoise ES_VSweep ES_Module ES_Package syn keyword cType ES_SchemLibraryEditor ES_ComponentLibraryEditor syn keyword cType ES_ComponentPkg ES_Layout ES_LayoutSelectTool syn keyword cType ES_LayoutBlock ES_LayoutTrace ES_LayoutHole syn keyword cType ES_LayoutNode ES_LayoutNodeTool ES_LayoutTraceTool syn keyword cType ES_PackageInsertTool ES_PackageLibraryEditor syn keyword cType ES_ComponentInsertTool endif " For the csoft-mon monitoring tool. if !exists("c_no_csoft_mon") || exists("c_csoft_mon_typedefs") syn keyword cType CM_Monitor CM_MonitorOps endif " For Xlib, glx if !exists("c_no_xlib") || exists("c_xlib_typedefs") syn keyword cType Display Bool Window KeyCode KeySym " syn keyword cType Cursor syn keyword cType Atom True False GC Pixmap Status syn keyword cType XModifierKeymap XComposeStatus syn keyword cType XColor XGCValues XImage XEvent syn keyword cType XTextProperty XSizeHints XWindowAttributes syn keyword cType XWMHints GLXContext endif " For cocoa if !exists("c_no_cocoa") || exists("c_cocoa_typedefs") syn keyword cType NSOpenGLContext NSTrackingArea NSObject syn keyword cType NSApplicationTerminateReply NSApplication syn keyword cType NSResponder NSWindowDelegate NSWindow NSView syn keyword cType NSScreen NSEvent NSDate NSAutoreleasePool syn keyword cType NSColor NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute syn keyword cType NSOpenGLPixelFormat endif " For the Agar-Core library (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_agar_core") || exists("c_agar_core_typedefs") syn keyword cType Uchar Uint Ulong AG_ErrorCode AG_ObjectHeader AG_Hash syn keyword cType AG_Size AG_Offset AG_Char AG_NewlineFormat syn keyword cType AG_Object AG_ObjectPvt AG_ObjectClass AG_ObjectClassPvt syn keyword cType AG_ObjectClassHash syn keyword cType AG_Language AG_List AG_Config AG_ConfigPathQ syn keyword cType AG_ObjectInitFn AG_ObjectResetFn AG_ConfigPath syn keyword cType AG_ObjectDestroyFn AG_ObjectLoadFn AG_ConfigPathGroup syn keyword cType AG_ObjectSaveFn AG_ObjectEditFn AG_DbObject AG_AttachFn syn keyword cType AG_CPUInfo AG_AgarVersion AG_Namespace AG_Version syn keyword cType AG_Event AG_EventFn AG_Function AG_EventSource syn keyword cType AG_EventSink AG_EventSink AG_Keyboard AG_Mouse syn keyword cType AG_Timer AG_TimerPvt AG_TimeOps AG_DataSource syn keyword cType AG_ThreadAttr AG_MutexAttr AG_ThreadKey AG_KeyCategory syn keyword cType AG_Dir AG_FileInfo AG_IOStatus AG_FileSource syn keyword cType AG_CoreSource AG_ConstCoreSource AG_NetSocketSource syn keyword cType AG_TextCache AG_CachedText AG_TextCacheBucket syn keyword cType AG_DSOSym AG_DSO AG_DSO_BeOS AG_DSO_OS2 AG_DSO_Generic syn keyword cType AG_Mutex AG_Thread AG_Cond AG_TextANSI AG_TextSGR syn keyword cType AG_VoidFn AG_UintFn AG_IntFn AG_Uint8Fn syn keyword cType AG_Sint8Fn AG_Uint16Fn AG_Sint16Fn AG_Uint32Fn syn keyword cType AG_Sint32Fn AG_Uint64Fn AG_Sint64Fn AG_FloatFn syn keyword cType AG_DoubleFn AG_LongDoubleFn AG_StringFn syn keyword cType AG_LongFn AG_UlongFn AG_PointerFn AG_ConstPointerFn syn keyword cType AG_VecVoid AG_VecString AG_VecInt AG_VecChar syn keyword cType AG_VecFloat AG_VecDouble syn keyword cType AG_ObjectClassSpec AG_TextElement AG_ByteOrder syn keyword cType AG_Variable AG_VariableType AG_VariableTypeInfo syn keyword cType AG_Db AG_Dbt AG_DbClass AG_DbHashBT syn keyword cType AG_DbMySQL AG_DbIterateFn AG_TextFn syn keyword cType AG_Tbl AG_TblBucket AG_TblCompareFn AG_TblHashFn syn keyword cType AG_FileExtMapping AG_NetOps AG_NetAddr syn keyword cType AG_NetAddrList AG_NetSocket AG_ProcessID syn keyword cType AG_User AG_UserOps AG_UserList AG_NetAcceptFilter syn keyword cType AG_NetSocketSet AG_TestCase AG_TestInstance syn keyword cType AG_FmtString AG_FmtExtension AG_Timer AG_TimerFn syn keyword cType MA_Color MA_ColorOffset MA_Component MA_ComponentOffset syn keyword cType MA_Pixel MA_Pt MA_Rect MA_Rect2 MA_ClipRect MA_Driver syn keyword cType MA_DriverClass MA_SizeReq MA_SizeAlloc MA_Surface syn keyword cType MA_Widget MA_WidgetVec MA_FlagDescr MA_WidgetClass syn keyword cType MA_SizeSpec MA_DriverDUMMY MA_Window MA_PixelFormat syn keyword cType MA_WindowVec MA_WindowQ MA_PixelPacking MA_DriverC64 syn keyword cConstant AG_INT_MIN AG_INT_MAX AG_UINT_MIN AG_UINT_MAX syn keyword cConstant AG_FLT_MIN AG_FLT_MAX AG_DBL_MIN AG_DBL_MAX syn keyword cConstant AG_LDBL_MIN AG_LDBL_MAX AG_LONG_MIN AG_LONG_MAX syn keyword cConstant AG_ULONG_MIN AG_ULONG_MAX AG_LONGLONG_MIN syn keyword cConstant AG_LONGLONG_MAX AG_FILENAME_MAX AG_PATHNAME_MAX syn keyword cConstant AG_BUFFER_MIN AG_BUFFER_MAX AG_SEARCHPATH_MAX endif " For the p5-Agar bindings (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_perl_agar") || exists("c_perl_agar_typedefs") syn keyword cType SV PV NV AP_FlagNames endif " For the Agar-GUI library (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_agar_gui") || exists("c_agar_gui_typedefs") syn keyword cType AG_Surface AG_PixelFormat AG_Palette AG_Pixel syn keyword cType AG_SurfaceMode AG_Grayscale AG_GrayscaleMode syn keyword cType AG_FmtStringExtFn AG_FmtStringExt AG_Component syn keyword cType AG_ComponentOffset AG_GrayComponent syn keyword cType AG_Color AG_ColorHSV AG_ColorName syn keyword cType AG_Action AG_ActionType AG_ActionTie AG_SizeSpec syn keyword cType AG_ActionTieArg AG_MouseButton AG_Key AG_KeySym syn keyword cType AG_KeyMod AG_ActionEventType AG_EventQ AG_ActionVec syn keyword cType AG_KeyboardAction AG_MouseButtonAction syn keyword cType AG_InputDevice AG_TextMetrics AG_TexCoord syn keyword cType AG_DriverEvent AG_DriverEventQ AG_RedrawTie syn keyword cType AG_Anim AG_AnimState AG_AnimFrame AG_AnimDispose syn keyword cType AG_AnimFrameType syn keyword cType AG_Text AG_TextEnt AG_DriverDUMMY syn keyword cType AG_WidgetPalette AG_StyleSheet AG_StyleEntry syn keyword cType AG_StyleBlock AG_EventSourceKQUEUE AG_WidgetGL syn keyword cType AG_EventFilterFn AG_WidgetPvt syn keyword cType AG_DriverCocoa AG_CocoaWindow AG_CocoaListener syn keyword cType AG_StaticCSS AG_ArrowLineType syn keyword cType AG_TTFFont AG_TTFGlyph AG_IconMgr AG_Cursor AG_CursorDUMMY syn keyword cType AG_Toolbar AG_Animview AG_Bitmap AG_Box syn keyword cType AG_VectorElement AG_VectorElementType AG_VectorElementStyle syn keyword cType AG_Button AG_ButtonRepeat AG_Checkbox AG_Combo AG_MenuView syn keyword cType AG_FileDlg AG_FileType AG_FixedPlotterValue syn keyword cType AG_FSpinbutton AG_FixedPlotter AG_Numerical syn keyword cType AG_FixedPlotterItem AG_HBox AG_FlagDescr syn keyword cType AG_HSVPal AG_Label AG_Matview AG_Menu syn keyword cType AG_MenuItem AG_Menuview AG_MFSpinbutton syn keyword cType AG_MSpinbutton AG_Notebook AG_HPane AG_MPane syn keyword cType AG_NotebookTab AG_ObjSelector AG_Scrollview syn keyword cType AG_Scrollbar AG_Separator AG_RadioType AG_RadioItem syn keyword cType AG_Spinbutton AG_Statusbar AG_Treetbl syn keyword cType AG_Textbox AG_Textview AG_Titlebar AG_UCombo syn keyword cType AG_Pixmap AG_TextLine AG_TextChar AG_AlphaFn syn keyword cType AG_VBox AG_VPane AG_HPane AG_Window AG_MPane syn keyword cType AG_Tlist AG_TlistItem AG_TextureEnvMode AG_TlistItemQ syn keyword cType AG_ObjectSelector AG_WidgetVec AG_WindowCloseAction syn keyword cType AG_TreetblColID AG_TreetblRowID AG_TreetblRowQ syn keyword cType AG_TreetblDataFn AG_TreetblSortFn AG_Unit AG_UnitNL syn keyword cType AG_TreetblCol AG_TreetblRow AG_Radio AG_WindowFadeCtx syn keyword cType AG_Widget AG_FontAdjustment AG_FontQ syn keyword cType AG_Font AG_FontPts AG_Glyph AG_WidgetClass AG_Fixed syn keyword cType AG_Table AG_TableRow AG_TableCol AG_TableCell syn keyword cType AG_GLView AG_WidgetClipState AG_PopupMenu AG_Pane syn keyword cType AG_Console AG_ConsoleLine AG_ConsoleFile syn keyword cType AG_TlistPopup AG_TablePopup syn keyword cType AG_Graph AG_GraphVertex AG_GraphEdge syn keyword cType AG_TextState AG_Slider syn keyword cType AG_StaticFont AG_FontSelector AG_DirDlg syn keyword cType AG_SizeReq AG_SizeAlloc AG_Socket AG_Icon syn keyword cType AG_FileOption AG_ProgressBar AG_StaticIcon syn keyword cType AG_Pt AG_Rect AG_PixmapSurface AG_Editable syn keyword cType AG_ClipRect AG_Rect2 AG_TreeviewItem syn keyword cType AG_TreetblCell AG_TableWidgetCompareFn syn keyword cType AG_Driver AG_DriverMw AG_DriverSw AG_CursorAreaQ syn keyword cType AG_DriverClass AG_DriverMwClass AG_DriverSwClass syn keyword cType AG_DriverGLX AG_DriverSDLFB AG_DriverSDLGL syn keyword cType AG_DriverSDL2FB AG_DriverSDL2GL syn keyword cType AG_ToolbarView AG_GlyphCache AG_GL_BlendState syn keyword cType AG_DriverWGL AG_CursorArea AG_CursorGLX syn keyword cType AG_CursorWGL AG_EditableBuffer AG_EditableClipboard syn keyword cType AG_Autocomplete syn keyword cType AG_GL_Context AG_FontSpec AG_WindowQ AG_WindowPvt syn keyword cType AG_MenuItemStateFn AG_TableBucket AG_WindowVec endif " For the Agar test suite agartest (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_agartest") || exists("c_agartest_typedefs") syn keyword cType AG_Benchmark AG_BenchmarkFn MyTestInstance endif " For the Agar-VG library (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_agar_vg") || exists("c_agar_vg_typedefs") syn keyword cType VG VG_Node VG_NodeOps VG_Layer VG_Matrix syn keyword cType VG_LineStyle VG_FillingStyle VG_TextStyle syn keyword cType VG_Style VG_Vector VG_Block VG_Rect AG_Drawing syn keyword cType VG_View VG_Tool VG_ToolOps VG_ToolKeyBinding syn keyword cType VG_ToolMouseBinding VG_Color VG_Point VG_Line syn keyword cType VG_Circle VG_Arc VG_Text VG_Polygon VG_GridType syn keyword cType VG_IndexedColor VG_Grid VG_CircleTool syn keyword cType VG_LineTool VG_ArcTool VG_PointTool syn keyword cType VG_TextTool VG_PolygonTool VG_ToolCommand syn keyword cType VG_SelectTool endif " For the Agar-RG library (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_agar_rg") || exists("c_agar_rg_typedefs") syn keyword cType RG_Anim RG_AnimFrame RG_AnimInsn syn keyword cType RG_Feature RG_FeatureOps RG_FeatureSketch syn keyword cType RG_FeaturePixmap RG_Pixmap RG_Sketch RG_Brush syn keyword cType RG_TextureSelector RG_Texture syn keyword cType RG_Tileset RG_Tile RG_TileElement syn keyword cType RG_TileviewCtrl RG_TileviewToolOps syn keyword cType RG_TileviewTool RG_TileviewBitmapToolOps syn keyword cType RG_TileviewSketchToolOps RG_Tileview syn keyword cType RG_TileviewHandle syn keyword cType RG_Animview RG_PixmapUndoBlk RG_PixmapMod syn keyword cType RG_SketchMod RG_SketchUndoBlk RG_Transform syn keyword cType RG_TransformChain RG_TileVariant RG_AnimVariant endif " For the Agar-MAP library (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_agar_map") || exists("c_agar_map_typedefs") syn keyword cType MAP MAP_View MAP_Node syn keyword cType MAP MAP_ItemClass MAP_Item MAP_Tile MAP_Img MAP_Link syn keyword cType MAP_View MAP_Tool MAP_ViewDrawCb MAP_Editor syn keyword cType MAP_Mod MAP_ModBlk MAP_Layer MAP_Camera syn keyword cType MAP_ToolKeyBinding MAP_ToolMouseBinding syn keyword cType MAP_ToolOps MAP_Actor MAP_ActorClass endif " For the SDL library (http://libsdl.org/) if !exists("c_no_sdl") || exists("c_sdl_typedefs") syn keyword cType Uint8 Sint8 Uint16 Sint16 Uint32 Sint32 syn keyword cType Uint64 Sint64 syn keyword cType SDL_Surface SDL_Rect SDL_Event SDL_Color SDL_bool syn keyword cType SDL_TimerID SDL_Palette SDL_Joystick syn keyword cType SDLKey SDLMod SDL_AudioSpec SDL_AudioCVT syn keyword cType SDL_PixelFormat SDL_Cursor SDL_VideoInfo syn keyword cType SDL_ActiveEvent SDL_KeyboardEvent syn keyword cType SDL_MouseMotionEvent SDL_MouseButtonEvent syn keyword cType SDL_MouseWheelEvent SDL_TextInputEvent syn keyword cType SDL_TextEditingEvent SDL_TextEditingExtEvent syn keyword cType SDL_WindowEvent SDL_DisplayEvent SDL_CommonEvent syn keyword cType SDL_JoyDeviceEvent SDL_ControllerAxisEvent syn keyword cType SDL_ControllerButtonEvent SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent syn keyword cType SDL_ControllerTouchpadEvent SDL_ControllerSensorEvent syn keyword cType SDL_AudioDeviceEvent SDL_SensorEvent syn keyword cType SDL_TouchFingerEvent SDL_MultiGestureEvent syn keyword cType SDL_DollarGestureEvent SDL_DropEvent syn keyword cType SDL_SysWMmsg SDL_TouchID SDL_FingerID SDL_JoystickID syn keyword cType SDL_JoyAxisEvent SDL_JoyBallEvent syn keyword cType SDL_JoyHatEvent SDL_JoyButtonEvent syn keyword cType SDL_ResizeEvent SDL_ExposeEvent syn keyword cType SDL_QuitEvent SDL_UserEvent syn keyword cType SDL_SysWMEvent endif " For the SDL2 library (http://libsdl.org/) if !exists("c_no_sdl2") || exists("c_sdl2_typedefs") syn keyword cType Uint8 Sint8 Uint16 Sint16 Uint32 Sint32 syn keyword cType Uint64 Sint64 syn keyword cType SDL_DisplayMode SDL_Window SDL_WindowFlags endif " For OpenGL (http://opengl.org/) if !exists("c_no_gl") || exists("c_gl_typedefs") syn keyword cType GLbyte GLshort GLint GLsizei syn keyword cType GLfloat GLclampf syn keyword cType GLdouble GLclampd syn keyword cType GLubyte GLboolean GLushort GLuint syn keyword cType GLenum GLbitfield GLvoid endif " For the GLU library (http://opengl.org/) if !exists("c_no_glu") || exists("c_glu_typedefs") syn keyword cType GLUnurbs GLUquadric GLUtesselator syn keyword cType GLUnurbsObj GLUquadricObj GLUtesselatorObj syn keyword cType GLUtriangulatorObj endif " For POSIX threads if !exists("c_no_pthread") || exists("c_pthread_typedefs") syn keyword cType pthread_mutex_t pthread_mutexattr_t syn keyword cType pthread_rwlock_t pthread_rwlockattr_t syn keyword cType pthread_cond_t pthread_condattr_t syn keyword cType pthread_key_t pthread_t syn keyword cType rwlock_t rwlockattr_t pthread_attr_t endif " Common BSD system types if !exists("c_no_bsdsys") || exists("c_bsdsys_typedefs") syn keyword cType u_char u_short u_int u_long register_t syn keyword cType u_int8_t u_int16_t u_int32_t u_int64_t syn keyword cType u_quad_t quad_t fixpt_t syn keyword cType mode_t uid_t gid_t sigset_t pid_t syn keyword cType ssize_t off_t in_addr_t in_port_t sa_family_t syn keyword cType socklen_t bitstr_t glob_t iconv_t fd_set syn keyword cType bus_space_tag_t bus_addr_t bus_space_handle_t endif " For Agar-WEB application server (http://libagar.org/) if !exists("c_no_agar_web") || exists("c_agar_web_typedefs") syn keyword cType VAR WEB_Query WEB_Session WEB_SessionOps syn keyword cType WEB_Argument WEB_Cookie WEB_CommandPreAuth syn keyword cType WEB_Module WEB_Command WEB_Filter WEB_DestroyFn syn keyword cType WEB_LogFn WEB_LanguageFn WEB_CommandFn syn keyword cType WEB_SessionVar WEB_MenuSection WEB_MenuFn syn keyword cType WEB_SockLen_t MIME_Entity WEB_Method syn keyword cType WEB_FlagDescr WEB_Variable WEB_ModuleClass syn keyword cType WEB_MethodOps WEB_RangeReq WEB_SessionSocket syn keyword cType WEB_EventFilterFn WEB_ControlCmd endif " For mailprocd structures (http://hypertriton.com/mailprocd/) if !exists("c_no_mailprocd") || exists("c_mailprocd_typedefs") syn keyword cType SF_LogicOp SF_MsgStatus SF_Message SF_Rule syn keyword cType SF_Ruleset POL_Attrib POL_Request SF_Recipient syn keyword cType SMTP_Session CTL_Session syn keyword cType QMGR_MetaData endif " For mgid structures (http://hypertriton.com/mgid/) if !exists("c_no_openmgi") || exists("c_openmgi_typedefs") syn keyword cType MGI_Library MGI MGI_List MGI_Data syn keyword cType CLI_Command MGI_Library CLI_Module CLI_List syn keyword cType MGI_MailAddress MGI_MailInsn MGI_MailMacro syn keyword cType MGI_MailCond MGI_MailDeliveryCfg syn keyword cType MGI_MailListCfg MGI_MailSubscriber MGI_Option syn keyword cType MGIDCGI_Session MGI_OptionCfg MGI_OptionCategory endif " For FabBSD (http://FabBSD.org/) if !exists("c_no_fabbsd") || exists("c_fabbsd_typedefs") syn keyword cType cnc_real_t cnc_step_t cnc_pos_t cnc_time_t syn keyword cType cnc_utime_t cnc_vec_t cnc_dist_t cnc_vel_t syn keyword cType ngc_real_t ngc_vec_t endif " For Agar-AU library (http://libagar.org) if !exists("c_no_agar_au") || exists("c_agar_au_typedefs") syn keyword cType AU_Module AU_ModuleClass AU_Port AU_Source syn keyword cType AU_Format AU_Player AU_Buffer AU_Channel syn keyword cType AU_DevOut AU_DevOutClass AU_Wave AU_WaveState syn keyword cType AU_DevOutFile AU_DevOutPA endif " For PortAudio (http://www.portaudio.com/) if !exists("c_no_portaudio") || exists("c_portaudio_typedefs") syn keyword cType PaStream PaStreamParameters PaError syn keyword cType PaStreamCallbackFlags PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo endif " For libsndfile if !exists("c_no_sndfile") || exists("c_sndfile_typedefs") syn keyword cType SNDFILE sf_count_t SF_INFO SF_FORMAT_INFO endif " For ImageMagick if !exists("c_no_imagemagick") || exists("c_imagemagick_typedefs") syn keyword cType MagickWand MagickBooleanType ExceptionType syn keyword cType MagickPixelPacket PixelIterator PixelWand syn keyword cType RectangleInfo WandView endif if !exists("c_no_ircclient") || exists("c_ircclient_typedefs") syn keyword cType irc_session_t irc_callbacks_t endif " For new (AG_Web based) libagar.org website. if !exists("c_no_agarweb") || exists("c_agarweb_typedefs") syn keyword cType AW_Session AW_User AW_Profile AW_Tag AW_Color AW_Gray syn keyword cType AW_Browser AW_AvBrowserMatch AW_Theme syn keyword cType AW_Event AW_Post AW_PostType AW_AudioFormat syn keyword cType AW_PictureFormat AW_AvFormat AW_FormFactor syn keyword cType AW_BrowserArch AW_BrowserOS AW_UserPlan syn keyword cType AW_AudioType AW_PostComment AW_UserPlanInfo syn keyword cType AW_PictureImage AW_CommentID AW_EventType syn keyword cType AW_Language AW_LoadFn AW_SaveFn AW_PwdEntry syn keyword cType AW_Captcha AW_Tags AW_TagInfo AW_Filter syn keyword cType AW_FilterSet AW_GroupInfo AW_PicFormat syn keyword cType AW_GroupFlags AW_ProfileComment AW_Msg syn keyword cType AW_MsgType AW_Channel AW_MsgList AW_MsgFilter syn keyword cType AW_Subscriptions AW_Location AW_Address syn keyword cType AW_ModFeed endif " For Vislak (http://vislak.hypertriton.com/) if !exists("c_no_vislak") || exists("c_visak_typedefs") syn keyword cType VS_View VS_Clip VS_Frame VS_Midi VS_MidiPvt syn keyword cType VS_MidiPortType VS_ProcOp VS_Player endif " For GP if !exists("c_no_gp") || exists("c_gp_typedefs") syn keyword cType GP_Session GP_User GP_Profile GP_Tag GP_Color GP_Gray syn keyword cType GP_Browser GP_AvBrowserMatch GP_Theme GP_PayMode syn keyword cType GP_Event GP_Post GP_PostType GP_AudioFormat GP_DepoMode syn keyword cType GP_PictureFormat GP_AvFormat GP_FormFactor syn keyword cType GP_BrowserArch GP_BrowserOS GP_UserPlan syn keyword cType GP_AudioType GP_PostComment GP_UserPlanInfo syn keyword cType GP_PictureImage GP_CommentID GP_EventType syn keyword cType GP_Language GP_LoadFn GP_SaveFn GP_PwdEntry syn keyword cType GP_Captcha GP_Tags GP_TagInfo GP_Filter syn keyword cType GP_FilterSet GP_GroupInfo GP_PicFormat syn keyword cType GP_GroupFlags GP_ProfileComment GP_Msg syn keyword cType GP_MsgType GP_Channel GP_MsgList GP_MsgFilter syn keyword cType GP_Subscriptions GP_Location GP_Address syn keyword cType GP_ModFeed endif